Jenna's truth by N.L.King

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Serenity Press, 2018. ISBN 9780648212768
(Age: Teens) Highly recommended. Themes: Cyberbullying. Suicide. Internet - Safety measures. Alcohol and teenagers. Peer pressure. Sexual behaviour. Popularity. Friendship. "Jenna's just a teenager who wants to fit in. The popularity that she wanted though, quickly turns into infamy when two "well-meaning" friends spark a controversy that alters her life forever. What happens when the popular kids are responsible for one of the most painful and humiliating events in your life?
Inspired by Amanda Todd's tragic story of bullying, Jenna's truth is more than just a teen short story - it's a lesson in empathy, self-awareness, and speaking out about what matters." (Publisher)
Jenna's Truth is a good story from a teenager's point of view, talking about teenage drinking, sex, bullying and suicide. It looks at what is going on from the victim's point of view and how she came to make the decisions she did. The difference in this book is that the outcome for the main character is not what you expect.
This book is well written and an easy read and would make a great class novel where the topics can be openly discussed in a safe environment.
This book is very well written and the inclusion of Teaching suggestions and discussion topics makes this book a valuable teaching tool to work with teenagers about these topics.
I highly recommend this book to teenagers and to teachers so they can facilitate conversations about these topics in a safe way.
Karen Colliver