Jamie by L.D. Lapinski

Jamie by L. D. Lapinski is a heart-warming story, that brings hope and understanding to the forefront. Jamie is bold, brave and beautiful, and this delightful novel will have you hooked from the very beginning.
Jamie is a happy eleven year with two amazing best friends, Daisy and Ash. They love nothing better than hanging out together. Jamie has shared a secret, that had been gnawing away for a few years, with those nearest and dearest. Jamie’s happy secret is they are non-binary. To Jamie this was a great secret…one that made them feel happy and at peace with themselves. However, they are somewhat surprised that it doesn’t have the same happy effect for everyone.
The trio are in year 6 and nervously excited about the new world of high school next year. But, when given only two choices for high school, the boys school St Joseph or the girls school Queen Elizabeth, this doesn’t sit well; for obvious reasons. Where does this leave Jamie? Can they simply choose a school, the girls’ school with Daisy or the boys’ school with Ash, or do they need to stand up and demand a change?
Beautifully written, filled with thought-provoking insights, this is a story to get people’s attention. On point with information and sharing of insightful perspectives, this opens conversations and doorways to how our world can be more accepting of everyone. This novel deals with relevant information; to build greater understanding and deeper empathy in society.
L. D. Lapinski has created a highly engaging and inspiring novel. Cleverly interwoven with ‘between chapters’ of definition and terms; this adds to the story’s content and provides important information about gender, identity and more. This novel delves into people’s feelings and builds deeper understanding about how treatment can affect people in negative and positive ways. Jamie is a highly engaging story that gives wonderful perspectives and encourages acceptance for all.
Equity for everyone!
Themes: Non-binary, LGBTQ, Feelings, Equity, Relationships, Gender, Taking action.
Michelle O'Connell