It's up to us: A children's Terra Carta for nature, people & planet by Christopher Lloyd

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This beautiful non-fiction release for children is… 'based on the Terra Carta – a road map that was created by HRH The Prince of Wales and his Sustainable Markets Initiative to put Nature, People and Planet at the heart of global value creation.' The forward by HRH The Prince of Wales talks about children being connected to Nature and he hopes that this book will inspire them to discover, celebrate, support and care for our Planet.

The book is divided into four sections: Nature, People, Planet and Terra Carta and has been stunningly illustrated in vibrant colour by 33 artists from around the world. From Australia is well known Aboriginal artist and environmentalist Blak Douglas. His double page spread is striking in concept and reflects the statement on the page about the use of carbon dioxide and the threat to the environment by changing weather conditions. Throughout the first three chapters the emphasis is on how the decisions and actions of humans have brought about great changes in our natural world and the consequences that are being felt now and will continue to be felt if positive change does not happen. The fourth chapter, Terra Carta, shows the reader that we can bring Nature back into balance and highlights a number of 'WE WILL' statements with the final page sharing the declaration: 'We Can do this. We Must do this. And we have to do it Now. Because…… IT’S UP TO US!'

The final pages of the book contain further details about the Terra Carta, a brief bio about each of the 33 artists, information about The Prince’s Foundation as well as a Glossary, a statement about Carbon Footprint and a mention of the Fibonacci spiral that occurs in Nature.

This wonderful resource for all schools and public libraries is a perfect book to share with children in the upcoming Harmony Week March 21-27, 2022.

Further information can be found at: Inspiring ideas for a sustainable future and Terra Carta. A book trailer is also available.

Themes: Nature, Planet Earth, Children, Sustainability, Global Issues, Harmony Day.

Kathryn Beilby