How to Ninja: Activity book by Marcus Emerson

Diary of a 6th grade Ninja series. Allen and Unwin, 2018.
ISBN 9781760523824
(Ages: 7+) Recommended. Themes: Ninja. Adventure. Humour. For those
who have loved every edition of the funny series, Diary of a 6th
grade Ninja, then this book is sure to add to their pleasure. An
activity book, it has all sorts of games, puzzles, activities of all
kinds to keep readers amused.
The first five pages offer thumbnail sketches of the main
protagonists in the series: Chase, Brayden, Faith and Zoe, then
their opposite numbers, Wyatt, Olivia and Carlyle. Two pages follow
showing readers how to draw Chase, and he tells how to be a Ninja.
After that are 'spot the difference' pages, and some more art
activities. The pages are filled with an array of things to do about
Chase and his Ninja friends and foes, and readers are invited to
answer questions, draw Ninja fashion, complete word searches and
In between are pages of articles about each Ninja, full of humour
and interest to those already hooked on the series, and complete
enough to hook new readers.
For those who wish to see if they have answered all the questions
correctly, answer pages follow the activities, and after these are
two pages depicting the front cover of the ten books in the series,
and a page about the author, Marcus Emerson.
Great fun for those already fans of the books, but also designed to
increase their following, the humour is infectious and will draw
readers in to read it from cover to cover and enjoy the activities.
Fran Knight