Here Kitty, Kitty by Melanie Alexander

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Lexi and Lettie Trusty Twin Detectives. Random House, 2017. ISBN 9780143784135
(Age: 6-10) Lexi and Lottie have their own cartoon show based on their sleuthing antics. They are centred around Appleton Animal Park where, with their parents, they are involved with a variety of animals. Their best friend is Fred, an aspiring journalist for the school paper and along with Lexi's pet mouse, Mozart, he joins the twins on their detective adventures.
Here Kitty, Kitty highlights the latest new members of the Animal Park, two white tiger cubs, Purr and Pounce. They are being shown to the public for the first time but one of the cubs is stolen and this begins the search for the culprit amongst a group of suspects listed by the girls.
The story is divided into chapters and are illustrated with the same cartoon style drawings as the animations. Intense colours are used on both the cover and throughout the book. Lists feature frequently throughout the story, which give facts about animals i.e. 'when fully grown, tigers are the biggest species of the cat family.' Lists also highlight the clues the twins have discovered which makes it easier for the reader to focus on the main points and keep track of the information gathered by the twins.
There are several suspects and Lexi and Lottie have to work their way through the information to remove the innocent from their lists. This allows the reader to try to deduce the crime with the twins and attempt to work out themselves who the true criminal is.
These books will appeal to students who have enjoyed the cartoons or those who like detective style books. Suitable for students aged 6 to 10 year olds.
There is a trailer on the books available.
The cartoons are available here.
Jane Moore