Harriet Tubman by Deborah Chancellor

Real Lives series. Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408178393.
(Age 9+) Harriet Tubman was born into slavery and experienced the
harsh fate of her fellow African Americans on plantations in the
southern states, before taking the famed Underground Railroad to
freedom in the north. After settling first in Philadelphia then in
Canada, she travelled south many times, to lead first her family
then others to liberty. Throughout her long life, Harriet worked for
the abolitionist cause and was an outspoken advocate for women's
suffrage. Eventually, she was honoured not only by her own country
but also by Queen Victoria.
Deborah Chancellor has told the story of Harriet Tubman's life and
work with skill, interrupting an engaging narrative on occasions to
provide brief but necessary explanations of the attitudes and
conditions of the times. The depiction of the principal character is
heroic rather than well-rounded but this approach suits a brief
account of courage in the face of adversity. The large print and
simple sentence construction would usually be employed for a
readership of 7 to 8 years old, but some maturity is required
because Harriet's mother was among the slaves fathered by plantation
owners. Rather than gloss over the issue, the author has addressed
it with tact and sensitivity.
While the subject has been well served by the text, maps showing the
principal locations could have helped readers outside the United
States to gain a better understanding of the journeys undertaken by
slaves - across the Atlantic, between plantations when they were
bought and sold, and on the perilous journey north. A portrait is
not provided but readers will find photographs of Harriet Tubman on
the Internet. The cover illustration follows the standard format
chosen by the publisher for all the titles in the Real Lives
The campaign by Harriet Tubman and other abolitionists in the
nineteenth century was only partially successful. Human trafficking
and slavery continue. Deborah Chancellor's biography of a remarkable
activist will introduce younger readers to a troubling subject and
illustrate how one person can make a difference.
Elizabeth Bor
Editor's note: Another in the Real Lives series is John
Snow by Jack Challoner (Bloomsbury, 2013. ISBN 9781408178409),
a biography of the man who discovered the cause of cholera.