Graveyard Watch by S. Carey (Beth Chambers)

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Eerie series. Puffin, 2013. ISBN: 9780143307501.
(Age: Year 7+) Zak awakens, following an accident, in a creepy house he fails to recognise, with 'parents' he calls feels uncomfortable calling mum and dad, unable to recall any of the events which had previously occurred in his life. After being reassured by his dad that his memory would ultimately return, Zak is not allowed outside so goes off to explore the house where he is met by a locked door and the sense of a ghostly presence. His questions begin to mount as does the sense that something is not right. Will he be able to figure out the truth of his situation?
This series is one which is cleverly set out for the reluctant or struggling reader, especially males. With each title being a slim novel of around 60 pages, containing the first chapter of another title in the series as teaser, a flip style cartoon picture on the top right of each page, double spaced and easily accessible, they seem to be based on the perfect formula for upper primary and secondary students. The stylised and disturbing cover illustrations help to set the scene and grab the reader's attention. I believe the series certainly has a place on the shelves of the school library to cater for the readers identified earlier. At the same time, I am aware that certain titles could prove contentious with parents and other staff, as they are probably better suited to secondary readers due to the content therein. Personally, I have catalogued this series in our year 7 only section to avoid challenges from other stakeholders in the library.
Jo Schenkel