Granbad by Penny Tangey. Illus. by Peter Baldwin

cover image

Rebellious Grandpa is not too keen on rules, so that is why the kids call him Granbad. One day they all go along to a protest about saving the forests. Granbad puts on his greater glider costume, hands out his lollies to the kids, despite mum’s protestations, and climbs a tree, ignoring the do not climb notice, to photograph the protest. He houses his grandson on his shoulders, ignoring mum’s reminder about the doctor’s advice. On the way home they look at Granbad’s photos despite dad reminding them of their limited screen time. That night Granbad read them stories long past lights out.

But next week they hear that the protest did not work and the forest was to be cut down. So Granbad planted himself in the tree, something very illegal, daring anyone to cut him down. Others protesters passed food to him and eventually the bulldozers left and the greater gliders were safe. ‘Sometimes you have to break rules to do what’s right’ Granbad tells them.

A very telling story about conservation and what we need to do to save things in our environment, Granbad tells this tale using humour, and the illustrations add another level of humour to the text. Each page shows the family in a different situations, mum and dad trying hard to restrict Grandpa’s extreme points of view and the lengths he will go to to save the glider.

His image will make kids laugh showing his wild hair, sunglasses and clothes. I love the books the kids are reading, the detail is absorbing. Teacher's notes are available.

Themes: Conservation, Protest, Family, Grandfathers.

Fran Knight
