Get ready, Mama! by Sharon Giltrow and Arielle Li

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Getting Mama ready for the day can be a challenge. you'd better watch out that she doesn't sneak back into bed, try to distract you with cuddles, get breakfast all over her top, or. wait, is Mama watching TV?! Learn how to get Mama up and ready despite her mischievous delaying tactics with this essential guide to dealing with morning mayhem! Little ones will delight in the cheeky role-reversal that sees a young girl doing everything she can to get her reluctant mother out of the house, and teachers, particularly will enjoy the twist in the tale.

But apart from being a funny story that will resonate with everyone who has ever wanted 'just five more minutes', this has great value in maths and literacy lessons that focus on sequencing and its vocabulary, as well as time. Identifying the essential tasks and routines that must be done, sorting them into order, allocating sufficient time for each, comparing and contrasting breakfast menus, looking for hacks that might shortcut the morning rush (although sleeping in your school uniform which was the preferred choice of one previous student is not recommended)... it's a story that will resonate widely with every child. Teachers' notes are available.

Barbara Braxton