George and Tao by Claude K. Dubois

cover image

When George the puppy is introduced to Tao the kitten, the two of them "look at each other and wag their tails," and it is not long before they are best friends. playing and together all day long. But when George chases him up the curtain in the living room, and Tao falls, George is bereft. While the kitten is scooped up and taken to the vet, George has no idea where his friend is. He searches in all the usual spots but Tao is nowhere, and so he sits at the door and waits and waits, and waits...

This is a tiny book just made for little hands and being shared with a little one, that focuses on friendship and fun and what happens when things get out of hand - as they often do when little ones play together. The text is simple, but the watercolour artwork carries so much making George's loss when Tai disappears, palpable.


Barbara Braxton
