Freefall by Jacqueline Harvey

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Kensy and Max book 5. Puffin Books, 2020. ISBN: 9780143796985.
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Kensy (Kensington) and Max (Maxim) Grey are the grandchildren of the rather magnificent and wealthy Cordelia Spencer, a woman of amazing talents. Recently Kensy and Max have discovered that Cordelia is more than a media mogul, and in fact she powerfully leads a significant espionage group that Kensy and Max have joined, utilising their well refined talents for subterfuge and problem-solving. In this story they also have Curtis as a companion and potential recruit for the Spy Group, Pharos. The three children join Cordelia travelling across the world from the Spencer mansion, Alexandria, to Cordelia's New York substantial residence complete with secret rooms and incredible technology and engineering. There are secrets at every turn, and the children are struggling to work out who can be trusted, particularly as they were recent targets of an evil plot and their lives continue to be at risk as they find themselves in the midst of a continuing chase for an evil contact who is connected to their families. In the midst of all this drama, Curtis seems to possess talents that make him a useful asset.
This is an action adventure with risks and fast-paced twists and turns with amazing young protagonists as the heroic stars of the spy-based narrative.
Jacqueline Harvey has created an amazing and compelling story, and with a significant dossier at the beginning giving all background detail needed for new readers, this can be enjoyed by readers returning to the series and those who discover Book 5 as their first adventure into the series. This is the kind of book that will be loved by young readers who love action adventure.
Girls who have loved Alice-Miranda and Clementine Rose may try and keep this series from their male classmates and friends, but it is definitely a series that boys will appreciate and love too. Themes: Spies; Adventure; Trust.
Carolyn Hull