Fish Kid and the mega manta ray by Kylie Howarth

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Fish Kid series. Walker Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781760651138. 160pp.
(Age: 7+) Highly recommended.The first in this excellent series (Fish Kid and the lizard ninja) sees young Bodhi living on a boat with his parents, a marine biologist and an ocean photographer, both passionate about saving the marine environment. But he is afraid of the sea and its creatures. Emily, the skipper's daughter plays a trick on him to overcome his fear and in the backwash he develops secret powers. It is these powers that save them both when lost on a island with an iguana, and in the second in the series the powers are tantamount to the story involving manta rays on the Ningaloo Reef while the pair is holidaying with his grandparents. Information about the reef and its creatures give a strong factual background to the story which I loved reading, and younger readers will be able to readily absorb these as the story develops.
Kylie Howarth includes clever illustrations and fish files giving a factual background for the reader. The story is a fast moving and an enjoyable read and links well with the first in the series, while on the last page is a promo for the third, coming soon: Fish kid and the turtle torpedo). Teacher's activities are available. Themes: Fish, Sea, Adventure, Conservation, Marine biology, Friendship.
Fran Knight