Figgy takes the city by Tamsin Janu

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Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781742992006
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. Figgy and her friend Nana win scholarships to attend school in Ghana's big city, Accra. The city is exciting, and full of new friends and adventures. But when Nana begins acting strangely, and disappears, Figgy follows him to a place that is scary and sad. She must convince Nana that he belongs, no matter where he comes from. And she learns that sometimes change is not so bad... especially if you have somewhere and someone to go home to.
Tasmin Janu has done it again. Fans of the previous Figgy books will once again be captivated by this new book in the series. Figgy continues to develop her feisty nature as she enters a world extremely foreign to her. Nana and Figgy's relationship is tested while Nana struggles with believing that he really belongs with Figgy's family.
Themes such as friendship, family, poverty and homelessness all combine together to give us an insight into what it is like for many children in Ghana. A must-have book to keep adding to the series. The larger text on pages makes it appealing for students 10 and up.
I think this would make a great read aloud series and work in nicely with a unit on poverty, homelessness or access to basic needs.
Kathryn Schumacher