Every day by David Levithan

Text, 2012. ISBN 9781921922954.
(Age: 15+) Recommended. Named only as A, every day is a
different life in a different body. Sometimes A wakes up in the body
of a boy and sometimes in the body of a girl, but always A applies
the guidelines: Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not
interfere. But then A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets
Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon and discovers that he wants to be with
her every day.
This is a challenging book that is very difficult to classify and to
describe. I had it on my shelf for a very long time, but when it
starting coming up on best lists for 2012, I knew that I would have
to read it and I am so glad that I did. Levithan has delved into
what love is by using A's experiences in different bodies. He
explores love that is casual and complacent in how Justin treats
Rhiannon; he looks at a very caring, accepting love between two
young women and ultimately we see how A looks at love and what A
does to make sure that Rhiannon is happy.
After the initial period of getting used to the fact that A goes
from one body to another - and it is never explained how or why - I
found that A's voice was so authentic that I felt that I knew and
really liked and respected the character that A maintained even
while in different bodies. It is never clear if A is a boy or a
girl, but is just a caring, thoughtful individual who is trying to
take the best possible course in a terrible predicament.
The ideas in this book will be challenging for many as Levithan
looks at love, sexuality and relationships of all kinds, but
ultimately it made me examine the selflessness of real love, no
matter where it is found. It is a book that is sure to promote much
Pat Pledger