Enormouse by Rebecca Gerlings

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Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9781405248327.
Cue the circus music. 'Roll up for the world's most extraordinary animal circus! Featuring leaping lions, gymnastic giraffes, sensational squirrels and a teeny tiny kitten with an enormouse idea! '
Long, long ago and very high up, there lived a kitten, who, despite being tiny, had very big ideas. One day he finds himself falling out of that high-up window and down, down, down, into a circus caravan. And so begins his life in the circus. But he didn't quite fit into the squirrels' act and that made him sad. But then, he had an idea which grew and grew and grew until it was enormouse - and filled the circus seats every night.
But to find out what that idea was, you'll need to read the book!
Barbara Braxton