Ellyse Perry series by Sherryl Clark

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Random House Australia, 2016.
Pocket rocket. ISBN 9780143781240
Magic feet. ISBN 9780143781264
(Age: 9-12) Recommended. High school, Sports, Self image. This series of books (and there are two more due in January 2017) follows Ellyse Perry as she begins high school. Small for her age, she is surprised when the teacher judges her by appearance, but she is determined and persistent, catching the eye of the captain of the school eleven, doing well at Saturday competition and being noticed by a selector.
Women's role in sport is at the heart of these stories, showing Ellyse navigate her way around the many obstacles placed in the way of elite sportswomen.
Ellyse Perry, champion all round cricketer and soccer player is shown as a sportsperson willing to take advice and practice what she preaches. She is full of grit and determination, observant as well as being a team player.
This second book in the series, Magic feet, focuses on Ellyse's soccer abilities, and her attempt to get into the school soccer team, full of boys. One of them is a bully and takes delight in putting down girls, but Ellyse sticks to her aim, overcoming the insults doled out. A good series for mid to upper primary school girls, showing strong women overcoming hurdles to get where they want to be.
Fran Knight