Ella Diaries: Passion For Fashion by Meredith Costain

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Illus. by Danielle McDonald. Scholastic Australia, 2020. ISBN: 9781743832318.
(Ages: 6-9 years). The colour theme for the latest Ella Diaries: Passion For Fashion is purple. This aptly ties in with the P theme for the disco that Ella and her friends, Ammy and Zoe, are attending. There are many shared thoughts in Ella's diary about possible fancy dress choices and in the end she decides to go as a pangolin. Her attempts at making her costume are not successful and then Nanna Kate steps in and helps her to sew the scales on. Ella then makes a nightie for Olivia and a mask and cap for Max. These sewing sessions ignite in Ella an idea to start a sewing club during lunchtime at school. She enlists the help of Ammy and Zoe and after modelling some bike shorts turned witches' britches from an idea from Nanna Kate, the sewing club begins. Support from school staff is welcomed and sewing machines are sourced from the Art room. After a number of weeks the students hold a highly successful fashion parade and the ideas for the recycled and op shop clothing are quite a hit.
The uncomplicated style of drawings by Danielle McDonald keep the reader entertained and focused on the text which is not onerous for young readers who are ready for novel-type books. Themes: Diaries, Friendship, Sewing, School, Disco, Fashion.
Kathryn Beilby