Ella diaries: Going green by Meredith Costain

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Ill. by Danielle McDonald. Scholastic Australia, 2017. ISBN 9781760279059
(Age: 7+) Ella's school is attempting to go green. A Planet Protection Captain must be elected to head the campaign. Ella has always dreamed of being the Captain but she is up against some stiff competition in the form of Peach, who will stop at nothing to achieve success. Who will come out with the top job? As with all the Ella diaries this will be another welcome addition to the very popular series. It is easy to read and with a fast-paced story incorporating descriptive language, it will appeal to girls from 7 upwards. It fits into the diary formats like Diary of a..., Diary of a wimpy kid. It has illustrations interspersed throughout the text which makes the book seem a lot longer than it really is. This is great for struggling students that want to be seen to be reading longer books.
The theme of the book is prevalent in all schools today and one that the majority of students are interested in - how can we reduce our carbon footprint? What can we do at our school to make a change for the better?
This series is walking off our shelves, the books are in constant demand and this will be another welcome addition to the collection.
Kathryn Schumacher