Earth's incredible oceans by Jess French

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Passionate vet and nature lover Jess French has written another colourful non-fiction book Earth's Incredible Oceans to add to her collection,  Her previous titles include Book of Brilliant Bugs and What a waste. Readers of this newest release will not be disappointed in the beautifully illustrated and colourful pages. The reader is taken on a journey from: What is an Ocean? to Oceans & me. The pages are full of interesting and at times fun facts about layers beneath the sea, different sea creatures such as seabirds, narwhales, invertebrates, ocean reptiles and mammals as well as plant life, food webs, and the seashore. The final chapter gives information about how the ocean helps us, how it is changing and how we can help look after it. Each double page spread is creatively designed and draws the reader's eye to the striking visual images and the cleverly placed text. The Contents page is clearly set out and both the Glossary and Index are very detailed.

This book is one to be shared between children or read alone. There is so much detail to be found on each page and the use of both illustrations and photographs further enhances the appeal of the book. A perfect book for home, school or public library.

Themes: Oceans, Sea Creatures, Sea Life, Plant Life, Habitats, Environmental Issues.

Kathryn Beilby