Dreams come true by Meredith Costain

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Ill. by Danielle McDonald. Ella Diaries. Scholastic, 2015. ISBN 9781760153045
(Age: 7-9) Highly recommended. Themes: Diaries, School Stories, Friendship, Girls, Celebrities. Ella absolutely loves pop star Cassi Valentine, her lyrics are fantabulously fabulous, her funky music is easy to sing along to when doing chores, her dance moves and fashionable outfits amazing. A true fan, Ella's bedroom walls are covered in posters, she has the lunch box, drink bottle and tote bag, even Bob the dog has a Cassi bandana.
When Miss Weiss their teacher announces a Cassi Valentine competition - a free lunchtime performance for the school with the best performing arts video, everyone is excited especially for Cassi's number one fan. Excitement builds with Ella and her classmates. Ella and her friends brainstorm some fabulous ideas for the video performance; they are super excited and can't wait until Monday lunchtime to share their suggestions. Of course Precious Princess Peach Parker bulldozes the meeting, sharing her ideas about the video performance, and unfortunately her idea is exactly the same as Ella's!
Meredith Costain's Ella Diaries captures both the excitement and the ups and downs of a young girl's life, sleepovers, friends, school dramas, music and family life. The quirky style of writing with hearts dotting the letter 'i' and 'j' add to the cuteness of the diary entries. Danielle McDonald's lively sketches - all tinted red this time, showcase the dramas and delights of Ella's life.
A fun and exciting junior novel for girls from 7-9.
Rhyllis Bignell