Dino diggers: Dumper truck danger by Rose Impey

Ill. by Chris Chatterton. Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781408872482
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Dinosaurs, Technology, Accidents. In
Dino-Town, the Dino Diggers are all ready for action. Dressed in
their hard hats and fluoro jackets, they can take on any problem
which comes long, so when the town bridge collapses after a heavy
rain storm, they are ready with their machines to clear the path and
help rebuild the bridge.
Young readers will adore the five friends, Terri,Tyrone, Bruno, Ricky
and Stacey, working out just why each has that particular name,
their size and physical attributes eagerly recognised by dinosaur
hunters. The problem of the bridge and the baker's van stuck beneath
causes the team some headaches as Tyrone takes his digger down into
the river bed to get the van out. He does this successfully but they
both end up on the wrong side of the bridge. Another problem creates
another solution, and all ends happily, with the dinosaurs reopening
the bridge in time for traffic. The Dino Diggers have done their
Young readers will love looking at the array of work done by each of
the trucks illustrated, recognising these implements from seeing
them on their streets. The illustrations give a streamlined image of
each of them allowing kids to point out the features of each.
Recognisable work safety measures are included, alluding to the
possible dangers of this work, and showing readers what needs to
happen to keep themselves safe. In the last few pages is a cardboard
cutout of Stacey's dump truck with instructions on how to put it
together, continuing the fun of the book.
Fran Knight