Dear Greta by Yvette Poshoglian

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Dear Greta written by Yvette Poshoglian is a captivating and thought provoking novel, that is an easy and delightful read. Written in letter form, this is a highly engaging, culturally connected and inspiring novel that would appeal to many.

This year is supposed to be Alice’s best one yet! It is her last year in primary school and she has high expectations. So, when she is given the ‘old fashioned’ task to ‘write to your hero’, she is less than impressed. It is even worse when she is given environmental activist, Greta Thunberg as her hero. Why could she not have been allocated a rock star, sports champion or social media sensation? In her opinion, they would be so much easier to write to because she already knows some much about them. But as Alice begins to research Greta, she discovers many fascinating facts.

Alice continually pours her life out to Greta each day and shares everything. She shares her troubles about having to give up her bedroom for her recovering grandma, ongoing arguments with her sister and then there is the Harmony Day disaster, just to name a few. But are these really big problems, or are there greater problems to think about? Will Alice be brave and make a difference to right her wrongs and become a better person? And could she possibly turn the Harmony Day Fiasco into a Cultural Celebratory Fiesta?

Yvette Poshoglian has created a highly relatable character in Alice, who many people will connect with. Sharing family connections, cultures and acceptance of others, this is a skilfully written and insightful book to stimulate and challenge your thinking.

This novel could also make a great read aloud for teachers to share with their students.

Themes: Environmental issues, Harmony day, Cultures, Creativity, Taking Action, Open minded, Resilience, Reflection, Problem solving.

Michelle O'Connell
