Cop & robber by Tristan Bancks

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This adventure starts with a bang when Nash is the passenger and witness to a near comical robbery by his father, Lyle, at a petrol station. A police chase ensues but although they escape, Lyle is arrested soon after. The arresting police officer is his mother. Nash is deeply ashamed by Lyle’s behaviour, particularly when the staff and students at his new school know the story. This incident is just the tip of the iceberg and soon Nash can’t avoid becoming involved in his father’s criminal activity. Their lives are threatened by two thugs. Lyle owes over a quarter of a million dollars to a crime syndicate and has a few days to come up with the money. In the midst of this Nash has been recognized as a very talented runner by his school principal, Mrs. Diaz, and has ambitions to do well at the regional competition and beyond. Everything builds to a series of dramatic events at the School Fair.

Tristan Bancks writes thrilling action-packed stories for older children, like Two Wolves and The Fall. This is more than just a mindless romp. There are some genuinely scary moments and he creates nuanced characters. Nash is faced with ethical issues like should he tell his cop mother about what Lyle is doing and should he help him? He ponders the imperfections and the discord between his divorced parents. As a young teenager we can see he has far greater maturity than his father. Lyle is an ex-boxer who sees himself as a bushranger. Nash knows Lyle is flawed and realizes he has a love/hate relationship with him. Fortunately, Mrs. Diaz is a person who believes in Nash and provides moral guidance.  Bancks also does a good job setting the scene in a mid-sized river town on the edge of the desert. There are welcome touches of humour such as the descriptions of the crims, Tattoo and Worm. Definitely a good read for ages 10+.

Themes: Moral issues, Crime, Love, Divorce.

Jo Marshall
