Boys are dogs by Leslie Margolis

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Bloomsbury Books, 2009. ISBN 9781599903811.
Well recommended for early adolescents. A clever, humorous approach to the troubles of growing up! Annabelle's mother has taken her to live with her boyfriend Ted whom Annabelle calls 'Dweeble' (to herself) and to start at a new school in year six in America. To help her adjust Annabelle is given a puppy and a dog training book which she follows studiously. Jason lives across the road and teases her with names like 'Spaz' and 'Spazabelle'. Initially, Annabelle recoils and retreats into herself but then she takes the puppy training advice in dealing with boys! She changes the word dog to boys and comes up with examples such as 'Understanding Boy Speak'.
Written with young girls in mind, with their issues of friendship, jealousy and learning to deal with boys, this book has many practical approaches and useful hints and suggestions along with a good dose of self-evaluation.
Sue Nosworthy