Blade of shattered hope by James Dashner

13th Reality series. Scholastic, 2018 (Originally published:
2008. ISBN 9781742998381
(Age: 12+) Highly recommended. Themes: Adventure. Science fiction.
Fantasy. Challenge. This is the third book in the 13th Reality
series and all books are equally compelling. Atticus Higginbottom
(aka Tick) is plunged again into the need to harness his knowledge
of Quantum Physics and his incredible personal force linked to the
Chi'karda (the force that controls quantum physics) to rescue the
world and his family from certain disaster and from Mistress Jane
(his nemesis from a previous book). And he may even be needed to
prevent total annihilation! After meeting the Haunce and coming face
to face with all the energy and memory of lives and memories past
and present, he realises that much depends on him. With considerable
help from his friends on the side of the good of all realities, Tick
must face the challenge head on, and there are no guarantees that he
will survive. With earthquakes of stupendous magnitude and
destruction and strange creatures to contend with, everything about
this book reeks of tension. Tick's comrade for good, Sato, makes a
return in this book and must play a pivotal role in rescuing the
innocents who were to be potential instruments in Mistress Jane's
plans to reimagine the realities.
James Dashner certainly knows how to write an exciting science
fiction fantasy. Young readers will be keen to read the next book in
the series too as there is still more to be done! The elements of
science are woven through the narrative, with genetic recombination
and Quantum physics part of this book in the 13th Reality
series. But this story will also appeal to lovers of pure fantasy eg
the Harry Potter series and Tolkien's work because there are
similar features with youthful characters having to be the rescuing
heroes, harnessing powerful elements and overcoming great adversity
along the way.
Highly recommended for readers aged 12+
Carolyn Hull