Be careful, Xiao Xin! by Alice Pung and Sher Rill Ng

Xiao Xin (little heart) longs to take on the world as a Red Fire Warrior. He dreams of adventures outside his home, but is confined by an overprotective family. Brought up to the mantra of ‘be careful Xiao Xin’, he knows nothing else except being rugged up for the cold outside, of being told not to fall or slip or jump. He sees other children playing with their parents, running and skipping, without being told to be careful. When his sister arrives he is told he must watch out for her, not to let her fall, to stop her from trying to walk in case she slips over. He is saddened that she is being overprotected just as he was. But he believes that he needs to fall so that he can walk. He must take a chance. He must show his family that he is old enough to try different things, to act independently of them. So one night as they search the house for him, he tucks his dog under his blankets and leaves the house. He does not slip or fall or freeze and comes home with more confidence. a confidence reflected by his parents.
Sher Rill Ng’s graphic novel style of illustration adds another layer of interest and intrigue. The dark shapes permeate the pages giving an ominous ambience, underlining the dark world which exists outside the home, propping up the family’s fears for Xiao Xin. But in his Red Fire Warrior guise he can do anything, and is able to show his family that with their help he will cope with life away from them.
Inspired by Alice Pung’s home life where her grandmother would rug her up against the cold even in summer, so much so that her arms stuck out like those of a penguin. Pung has created a story to encourage all members of the family to take a chance. And this book is presented in both English and Mandarin. Teacher's notes are available.
Themes: Confidence, Over protection, Helicopter parents, Growing up.
Fran Knight