Barnaby and the lost treasure of Bunnyville by Robert Vescio

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Ill. by Cheri Hughes. Big Sky Publishing, 2016. ISBN 9781925275643
(Age: 4+) Rabbits. Environment. Barnaby had collected many seeds from his travels and wanted to grow a lush vegetable garden, but the mayor had decreed that no one was to grow anything in the village. So Barnaby decided to do what rabbits do, dig. Surprisingly a few days later the mayor found an old treasure map showing that there was something to be found in the earth near the village. Soon all the rabbits were out digging, giving Barnaby all the holes he needed to plant his seeds.
Rain the next day ensured that the seeds sprouted and within a few seasons, Barnaby was eating yummy fresh apples and taking the spare to the market. Here the mayor remarked on the wonderful fruit and Barnaby told him that this was the lost treasure of Bunnyville.
This could be used as an introduction to talking about fruit and vegetables, or where these things come from, encouraging a school group to set up their own garden.
Fran Knight