Baby on board by Kes Gray

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Ill. by Sarah Mayer. Hachette, 2014. ISBN 9781444920901.
(Age: Preschool) Picture book. Pregnancy and birth. Family. Mum's pregnancy involves the whole family as the narrator shows us the procedure of the pregnancy from the first month to the last.
Each double page tells us what happens in that month, from each of the family's perspective. Mum has morning sickness, needs a larger bra and knickers, feels the baby move inside. The husband keeps suggesting names for the child and packs the case for hospital, while the narrator wonders what sort of sibling she will get. At each stage the size of the growing infant is given along with major changes in its appearance.
This is a perfect book with which to introduce the topic in schools or at home. The reader can see for themselves the development of the baby and its impact upon the family. The pictorial presentation makes it easy to see the stages of its development and will enhance the child's idea of what will happen within each family.
For children who have been involved in the progress of the pregnancy at home, or have a new baby in the house, or classes where pregnancy is under discussion, or where the impact of a new sibling is being talked about, then this is a useful book to share. I did like the indented pages going from one to nine months making it easy to look up what happens in that month and the drawings will be enticing and instructive for younger readers.
Fran Knight