Aurora burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

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The Aurora Cycle book 2. Allen & Unwin 2020. ISBN: 9781760295745.
(Age: Teens) Highly recommended. Following Aurora rising Aurora Legion's Squad 312 is back trying the save the galaxy from being overtaken by an ancient hive-like alien. Led by the meticulous Tyler and grieving for Cat, the team is determined to find the black box from the space ship, Hadfield, where Aurora had been asleep for two centuries. Adventures abound as the group evades pursuers and meets Kal's long lost sister, a Syldrathi commander. Aurora is determined to learn how to master her powers and use herself as the Trigger for the weapon that the ancients have left.
Written in alternating chapters from the six team members, Kaufman and Kristoff do a sterling job of describing the feelings and skills of the main characters, who may appear to be stereotypes (Tyler, the buff blond leader, Kaliis, the pointy eared, very tall and handsome elf-like creature) but are people that the reader begins to know very well. Interspersed with some very comic dialogue, especially from Scarlett, the diplomat in the group, the novel bounds along with breathtaking speed and high octane action. There are ship heists, gun fights, space war and fight after fight, with enough clashes and skirmishes to satisfy an adventure junkie.
Short chapters with the name of the character narrating at the beginning of each also help to keep the reader engrossed. Then there is a totally compelling cliff-hanger of an ending that made me search to see if there was another book to come (there is, thankfully).
Kaufman and Kristoff have succeeded in writing a fantastic second book in the series. The Aurora Cycle books are sure to leap off the shelves, and the gorgeous cover on Aurora burning, featuring Kal, is another enticement for readers to pick up the book.
Pat Pledger