Amazing Transport: Journey through the history of transport by Tom Jackson

Illus. by Chris Mould. Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN: 9781408889770.
(Age: 7-12) Highly recommended. Themes: Transport History;
Aeroplanes; Land transport; Ships. In the sky, sea, outer space and
on land, humans have developed ways to get around other than by
using their own strength. This book details the history of multiple
types of transport over time and gives details of the significant or
revolutionary changes that have led to the forms of transport that
we know today. Filled with little snippets of information that make
fascinating reading, this book will appeal to those who find the
gathering of detail when they read an appealing activity. Everything
from the velocipede, dirigible, Bugatti Veyron, Hippomobile to the
USS Enterprise is explained in its place in history. (Note: the only
Australian contributions to this history is the Road Train.) With no
index, this would not be a source to direct children to in order to
locate specific information, but this is more a book for
entertainment than it is for information.
The power of this book is the presentation, which will appeal to
young readers who love cartoon illustrations that convey intricate
detail (almost a cross between Where's Wally and Diary
of a Wimpy Kid). The cartoon-like fine line detail still
conveys information but it is so appealing that it will win many to
spend considerable time searching for new or humorous
representations. At the beginning of each transport chapter is a
double-page time-line conveyed in conventional manner at the bottom
of the page, but the rest of the double page is filled with the
black and white quirky meanderings of the history of that mode of
transport. Even as an adult reader, I was impressed at the artistic
and amusing quality of these pages. The information double page
which follows is divided into small bites of information and each is
clearly written with enough (but not too much) detail for a young
reader, and there are also small descriptive cartoon illustrations.
The front cover has an absolutely winning visual appeal - stark
black and white cartoon style, with fluoro orange title and yellow
additional information. This book will be chosen because of its
cover alone, it would benefit from front-facing display!
Highly recommended for young readers aged 7 - 12.
Carolyn Hull