All you need to know about your body by age 7 by Alice James and Stefano Tognetti

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Children are not very old before they start asking questions about their bodies - what it can do, what makes it work, why it looks the way it does, how it grows and why it changes.

In this new release most of their questions are answered and with a cast of comical bugs to guide readers, activities to try at home, and links to further resources online so they can explore further, it is pitched at just the right level for those asking those initial questions.

Covering topics such as the outside of the boy, the inside, breathing, blood circulation, as well as an emphasis on staying healthy - "Your body belongs to YOU. It's your job to look after it and be kind to it, throughout your life", it will satisfy the normal curiosity of young readers while enabling those with more questions to learn more if they choose. As is usual with Usborne publications, this is another quality resource that has a place in any library - home or school.

Themes: Human anatomy, Physiology.

Barbara Braxton