A week without Tuesday by Angelica Banks<br>

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Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781760110376.
(Age: Middle and upper primary) Well recommended. A fantasy for the young, appealing to writers who love to think their stories are precious and original. This is a continuation of the stories of Tuesday McGillycuddy and Vivienne Small and has delightful and appealing references to the many genres of stories. Tuesday McGillycuddy's Mother is a famous author and with her daughter Tuesday write prolifically. The writers' world is in chaos as many writers have disappeared, so Tuesday and her dog Baxterr (who has wings when needed), go for an walk in the park and by a piece of twine find themselves 'there' with Vivienne Small, a creature of the fantasy world.
The plot becomes complicated as Tuesday tries to sort out all the worlds which are colliding with each other and causing havoc. The Librarian, who keeps a copy of all the writer's books is pivotal in helping Tuesday solve the problem that's disrupting the normal world. It's a delightful, imaginative and exciting journey for Tuesday and the writers she meets. Humour is rich with Miss Digby, who is Tuesday's Mother's Assistant and lives in the real world. It's where lovers of fantasy will be enchanted with the many illusions to their imaginative thoughts.
Well recommended for Middle and Upper Primary students, mainly girls.
Sue Nosworthy