A trip to the hospital by Freda Chiu

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The thought of going to hospital can be a terrifying event for a young child. This newly released book, A Trip to the Hospital, written and illustrated by Freda Chiu, is a very welcome addition to a home, school, public or even a hospital library. Three diverse young characters are all visiting the hospital for various reasons: Rani with a suspected broken arm, Momo who is struggling with asthma and Henry who is recovering from bone cancer and has a shiny new leg which requires him to attend physiotherapy. The author takes the reader through the stages of the admittance journey, which hospital workers they may meet on the way and to their eventual discharge from the hospital. Everything is explained clearly and in easy-to-understand terms. The illustrations are bright and colourful with plenty to see on each page. At the end is a page of information mentioning Melbourne’s first children’s hospital which opened in 1870. It also gives quick facts about other aspects of hospital life as well as photographs of some real hospital workers who were illustrated as characters in the story.

A very enjoyable read.

Themes: Hospital, Diversity, Illness, Injury, Hospital Staff.

Kathryn Beilby
