Everless by Sara Holland

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Hachette, 2017. ISBN 9781408353622
(Age: 12+) Jules and her father are poor, not of money, but of time. In the world of Everless, payments are collected in the form of time, which is siphoned through blood. Through alchemy, this time and blood is bound to coins (the larger the coin, the more time is captured). In this world, the rich experience both the luxuries of wealth and time. The richer you are, the longer you live. To save Jules' father from spending his blood, she desperately takes a job in the city of Everless; a place of fuzzy and traumatic memories for Jules surrounding the noble Gerling family's boys, Roan and Liam.
While working as a maid, Jules learns of the arrival of the Queen (whom is known to be ancient, beautiful, and fearsome). From this point on, nothing Jules knew will ever be the same. Both her past and her future become unsteady, as she strives to understand the unravelling world around her. In a land where money, time, and blood are consumed, what more will Jules have to give to understand herself, and the truth of the realm around her.
Everless a powerful young adult novel about love, trust, mystery, fantasy, and suspense. It is a story that doesn't fade from the reader's mind after they've put it down. Sara Holland has truly created a novel that engages the reader and captures their attention as they experience the story unfold before them through the eyes and mind of Jules. Jules is a unique and complex character who is the centre of the novel and has solid historical emotions and experiences, as well as strong connections with other story characters. Holland has created a realistic character that has depth to her thinking and actions.
Jules's experiences will connect with readers (12+) and keep them engaged in a story that is full of unexpected developments. If the story and characters weren't enough to keep a reader hooked, the conclusion certainly is. Holland leaves the reader needing to know more; the next instalment will surely be strongly awaited by readers of Everless.
Sarah Filkin