Other Worlds: Perfect World by George Ivanoff

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Penguin Random House Australia, 2018. ISBN 9780143786191
(Age: Primary 8+) Keegan finds a junk shop running an errand for his Mum. In one of the cupboards inside he finds a computer chip which he feels drawn to. The store curator tells him it is key to another world. She also warns him that once he goes in he might not come out. Naturally he opens the cupboard, touches the key and goes through the doorway.
In this science-fiction story, Keegan then finds himself in "Perfect World" where humans are cloned in groups of 5 and everything and everyone that doesn't fit the rules are quickly disposed of. The concept of "The Refuse" was interesting: that clones with imperfections were disposed of into the sewage tunnels. Keegan befriends several of the clones who decide to revolt and in the midst of a mini-revolution he meets characters who are key in helping him get home.
While this novel explores new concepts of digital tech science fiction, it also fits the mold of many alternate world stories before it. Perfect World reminded me of a Doctor Who episode; it was fast paced and cinematic moving but at the same time was quite a short book and felt a bit rushed in parts.
Children aged from about 8 will enjoy the novel, particularly those who are into sci-fi. From the look of things, there are several others in the series coming out this year featuring a new character, different world and a different key in each one.
Clare Thompson