Empire of the Waves: Voyage of the Moon Child by Christopher Richardson

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Puffin Books, 2015. ISBN: 9780143307549
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Christopher Richardson's debut novel is an enchanting feat of the imagination. Filled with vivid creatures, vibrant settings and characters who always keep you guessing, the author seems to have thought of everything. If you're interested in pirates and giants teaming up to fight an evil villain's plot to destroy the world, read on!
The novel follows Anni Tidechild journey to save her father's friend Adamson Knifetooth who, after a ten year quest, has been sent on a deadly quest to vanquish the monsters in the Western Stream. By accident, Anni discovers the mission's dreadful truth. It is a plot to kill Knifetooth, who knows too much about the Wavelord's plans. Together with Knifetooth's son, Duck, Anni must escape the city and catch Knifetooth's ship before it's too late. She enlists the help of the last giant, Theodore Thunderfoot, and his friend Wibbens the wibbens and their ship The Moon Child. Regrettably, by time they reach the Western Stream it's too late. Knifetooth, having fulfilled his task, has reawakened an ancient battle between giants, felmane, humans and sleen. Theodore and Wibbens must return to Pel Nairine to try and make peace while Anni sets out to discover the Tidechild family secrets. Anni fears the task is too much but Duck and her long-lost pirate uncle Esus refuse to let her give up.
This whirlwind adventure is sure to sweep the ground from beneath your feet. Recommended for children aged eight and up who enjoy adventure fantasy.
Kayla Gaskell, nineteen.