Ubby's Underdogs: Heroes beginnings by Brenton E. McKenna

Magabala Books, 2013. ISBN 9781922142139.
This graphic novel is the second in a trilogy by Indigenous
author/illustrator Brenton E. McKenna. Inspired by comic books from
a young age and with a passion for both writing and art, McKenna has
put his studies in Visual Arts to excellent use in this series which
takes its setting and characters from his own hometown of Broome.
In post-WW2 Broome, the population was already a melting pot of
multiculturalism with a rich history of plucky characters and
exciting incidents. This second episode reintroduces characters from
the first and continues the The legend of the Phoenix dragon.
The main protagonist, Ubby, is a young Aboriginal girl (based on
McKenna's feisty grandmother) but her Underdogs encompass youngsters
from a variety of backgrounds.
With a gripping backdrop of both Aboriginal and Chinese mythology,
Ubby's Underdogs take on a mission to rescue their friend Sai Fong,
the Dragon Summoner, from the rival gangs pursuing her for their own
evil ends.
McKenna's art training is evident in the stylish presentation of
this graphic novel - the black framing and outstanding use of colour
heighten the intensity of the story. There is a 'manga' feel to the
design which devotees of that genre will find appealing. While
recommended for upper primary to secondary, I would suggest that
some of the phonetic/accented dialogue may be a challenge for less
than capable readers. Both boys and girls would relate to this book,
as although Ubby is the leader of her rag-tag band, she is clearly
not the most 'girly' girl.
The growing market for graphic literature attests to its popularity
with a young generation who are far more visually influenced than
those of the past. This series would be a fabulous addition to your
Graphic shelves - or if you have not yet ventured into graphic
literature this homegrown series may be a fine starting point.
There has been some resistance from some quarters who suggest that
graphic novels are 'easy' reading and therefore to be dismissed with
scorn. Clearly they have not read any of quality, would be my
response! This series could equally add to Australian studies as a
springboard to discussion of Broome, the Chinese in Australia, the
pearling industry and more.
Sue Warren