Dead reckoning by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill

Bloomsbury, 2012. ISBN 9781599906843.
(Age 12+) Recommended for fans of Westerns, steampunk and zombies.
Yes - this is a Wild West ride, with our two feisty heroines, Jett a
girl disguised as a boy, and Honoria who drives an early steam
driven wagon, taking on a zombie invasion. Joined by the handsome
White Fox, a freelance scout for the Army, the trio track down the
mystery of why the dead are rising from the grave and who is
controlling this undead army.
I'm fond of all three escapist genres, Westerns, steampunk and
Zombie, so I was keen to sample this book. I was lured in by the
cover which features a black clad Jett striding forth with gun at
her side, flanked by a very gorgeous White Fox and a blond Honoria
and followed by zombies. Once into the book I found myself really
enjoying the antics and problem solving of two very unusual young
women as they go about trying to stop the zombie invasion. In
between I learnt bits of history, the advent of the railways and the
role of scouts.
This is great escapist fiction. As one would expect from well-known
authors like Lackey and Edghill, it is well written with a fast pace
and great characters. It is easier and less scary than the Rot
and ruin zombie series by Jonathan Maberry or The Forest
of hands and teeth by Carrie Ryan and I think young teens
would enjoy both the plot and the action. Although the books end in
a very satisfying manner, there is scope for more stories about this
intrepid trio.
Pat Pledger