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Open for business by Moya Simons

cover image Walker Books, 2008. ISBN 9781921150302
(Age: 10+) The first in a series called The Walk Right In Detective Agency sees Bernice and David setting up a detective agency which sorts out loads of local problems. David is addicted to lsit making and so his lists dot the pages as he takes notes about peoples' activities, lists what he needs to buy at the shop, and makes notes about their investigations. Armed with a spiral notebook, he and Bernice question and look, using their wits to find answers to the crimes committed.
A funny series, this will appeal to upper primary school readers, who want something based firmly in the reality of their lives, with being told to clean up their rooms, being told off about table manners, having to go and visit grandma, and so on. The crimes being solved are not major things, but incidental crimes happening in their neighbourhood.
Simons has hit upon a winning series of stories, and kids will delight in finding answers along with David and Bernice.
Fran Knight


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